
The Great Circle of Vietnam - Nối vòng tay lớn

Translate from Vietnamese
Mountain, forests link with distant sea
We go, hands' ring broadens to tie our land (together) Infinite ground, our brothers come back
Gather happily like a haboob (is) whirling (the) wide sky
Our hands connect, encircle our Viet Nam

Flags tie wind, gay nights tie day
Bloodstream links our fellows' hearts
Raising human love in new days
Cities link with very-far villages
The deads link holy with life
And smiles go on lips (*)
From North to South, tie together our hands
We go from desert fields, cross mountains
Cross perilous falls, our hands cross hills (**) Poor villages to city, hands tie together
Blue seas, silk rivers connect a death-life circle

(sưu tầm)

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